There is decrease in testosterone ,dehydroepiandrosterone, & literally ALL other hormones.
Andropause,cause andropausal symptoms,osteoporosis,coronary heart disease.Decrease in dehydroepiandrosterone, & literally ALL other hormones.
Causes of andropausal issue.
-normal aging -pathological premature aging -substance abuse that accelerate aging
Andropausal symptoms
-of course loss of libido due to component testosterone decline -loss of stamina due to decreased oxygen carrying capacity -decreased body & muscle mass -bone mass decrease too,leading to osteoporosis -decline of ALL organ systems from top to toe, outside to inside -please note that,andropausal issue start at about 25 yr old,but not felt until 40's,then gradually ,all the way till 80's
Tips:How to alleviate andropausal symptoms? -lifestyle changes for the better -take phyto-estrogen rich foods -go for natural vitamins supplements -natural hormone replacement therapy,hrt -use bio identical hormone replacement therapy,hrt -medical,pharmacological hormone replacement therapy,hrt -Important! Shed off that fat, through calorie restriction
Coronary heart disease,Coronary artery disease risk -being male already give you higher risk which is not modifiable -after andropausal stage, risk will increase substantially manyfolds