Mini face lift by :
feather lift ,
life style lift,
is face lift for drooping cheek,mouth's angle,face,jowl,neck angle of eye ,forehead.

Is minimally invasive,low downtime.
Good result,
proven track record,
board certified.

Mini face lift by feather threads ,is lift for drooping cheek,mouth's angle,face,jowl,neck ,angle of eyes,and forehead.It is minimally invasive,low downtime,with good result,lasting,effective and safe,proven track record,board certified.

Causes of drooping face:
-aging from hormones decline,causing tissues loosing elastin and collagen

-gravity,is prolonged downwards pull by forces of nature
-skin loosening,from thinning skin,muscle,fascia,connectives tissue thickness
-heavy cheek weighing it downwards due to our own faultinadequate facial exercise


-cause distress,
-make you appear older
-loss of confidence
-poor body image
-cause you to loos to that highly regarded executive post or interviews
-marital discord


-do a minimally invasive mini facial lift ,such as:
-lift by feather thread
-lifts by laser rejuvenation
-lifts by IPL
-face lifts by electrical devise
-simple face lifts by skin care products and program
-face lifts by skin tightening
-face lifts by conventional ,classical face lifts








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