Stress vitamin,
-vitamins supplements,
-cheap vitamins,
-energy vitamins,
-energy pills...

Are anti aging supplements.

Staying stress free by ...

-positive mental attitude,
-& occasionally stress vitamin.

Stress vitamin,vitamins supplements,cheap vitamins,energy vitamins,energy pills,are anti aging supplements.Staying stress free by relaxation,positive mental attitude,& occasionally stress vitamin

Power of stress to destroy your life.
-stress can cause elevation of stress hormones ,eg, cortisol,which in itself is good in an emergency and life saving hormone. But when present in prolonged period can cause breakdown of body.It eat away your body!
-prolonged adrenaline, noradrenalin can cause rapid heart beat, making you irritable. The adrenalin surge is only good during fright and flight to safety.
-successful stress control ,will actually give you a head start on anti aging.You are already half the way to successful anti aging.
-have a positive attitude to life, and you can over come stress easily.

Vitamins as anti aging supplements.How?

-certainly can. Only if given at optimal dose,not just RDA /recommended daily allowance level.
-most vitamins are acting as antioxidant, therefore, they help to mop up toxic free radical,that cause cell damage and aging. Indirectly also help to prevent cancer.
-it do help to supplement those components that are outright having deficit.
-water soluble vitamins normally don't gives problem when given in excess,but not so for fat soluble vitamins.So some care need to be exercised.

Can vitamin prevent chronic degenerative diseases/aging diseases?
-for sure it can,as mopping up of excess free radical is useful for anti aging purpose.
-in today's lifestyle ,a lot of people just eat out due to busy work & schedule. Therefore many never actually get completely balanced diet.

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